family friends pregnancy

Boy or girl? We could know soon!

Tomorrow I’ll be 11 weeks along!

Yesterday, we had our second appointment with my OBGYN. I scheduled it to be right after work, so all I had to do was walk over the breezeway to her office. Very convenient! Travis met me there, and we didn’t have to wait long at all. My blood pressure was good, and I weighed the same as I did at my last appointment, so yay for that! You’re really not supposed to gain much weight at all during the 1st trimester, so I guess I’m saving that for the coming weeks :) I feel like I’m hungry all the time, but I’m trying not to be a complete pig. I’m hoping for smaller than a 9 lb baby like I was! :)

The first thing we did when we got in the room was an ultrasound. The nurse told us not to be worried if we couldn’t hear the heartbeat because that’s not all that unusual for 10-11 weeks since the baby is still so low. But, when she put the goopy stuff and the wand on my belly, we heard the heartbeat right away!! It was so cool! Travis didn’t know that a baby’s heart rate is so much faster than ours, so he wasn’t expecting it to sound like that.

We’re going to a different doctor on the 14th for my first trimester screening. That’s the test that they do to check for Down syndrome. At that appointment, they’ll do another ultrasound and some blood work. My doctor told us yesterday that this other doctor will probably be able to tell us the gender of the baby when they do the ultrasound. I was so excited to hear that! Apparently, he is really good at determining boy or girl this early because he’s only missed it one time that my doctor knows of. That means we could know in less than 2 weeks! We go back to my OBGYN on the 27th, and she said they could do an ultrasound then and would probably be able to tell the gender, so I guess if we can’t find out on the 14th, hopefully we will on the 27th!!! I was expecting to have to wait until at least sometime in September or early October to know, so if we know sometime this month, I’ll be thrilled!!!

Now, we just have to decide about whether or not to have a gender reveal party. Basically, you get the doctor to write down if it’s a boy or girl on a piece of paper, and then you put it into an envelope without looking. Then, you give the envelope to a friend or a bakery, and they make a cake with either pink or blue on the inside. For the party, you invite your friends and family, and then you cut into the cake with everyone there, and everyone finds out at the same time. I just think that would be so much fun!!! But, it’s going to be really tempting to find out at the doctor’s office too. Decisions, decisions! If we do the party, I think we would probably wait until after the 27th just to make sure both doctors think the same thing: boy or girl. So, if we have the party, it’ll be near the end of August or early September I guess.

I’ve felt pretty good this week other than just the usual tiredness. I worked yesterday and Monday, and I’m supposed to work tomorrow and Friday too. I’m enjoying today off! I jogged this morning and watered our plants. I’ve also been watching some of the Olympics. I may even take a nap this afternoon and not feel guilty about it. I’m good at taking naps these days!

This weekend, we’re having a few friends over to watch the Olympics. Travis is going to break out the grill for the 2nd time and grill some hamburgers. We’re looking forward to that!

Mom had her annual mammogram a few weeks ago. She noticed recently that she has a lump on her scar from the lumpectomy she had last summer. She thought it was just scar tissue, but her doctor biopsied it just to be sure. She got the results yesterday…it was benign! Thanking God for good news like that! :)  I think Mom is about as anxious as I am to find out whether we are having a boy or girl. I think she’s going to go crazy buying cute little outfits for him or her…haha :)

Speaking of moms, Cheryl sold her house last week!!! We are so excited for her! It had been on the market for a while, and finally the right family came along (with 7 kids!!). The closing was on Friday, so it’s a done deal. She and Melissa (and Emily, for a week or two) have moved into a rental house not too far away from their old house, and I just love it. It’s got a lot of curb appeal!

That’s about it for the news around here. Lots of prayers have been answered lately!! :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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