Well, it’s been a great week so far! We went to see the Blue Angels on Saturday, and that was a lot of fun! Travis saw them last year in Mississippi, but this was my first time to see them. They sure are loud and fast. It’s hard to get any good pictures of the planes because by the time you see them, they’re practically gone already!
Last week I started community health clinicals. For these clinicals, I’ll be doing something different each Tuesday and Wednesday. Last week, we had orientation on Tuesday, and then on Wednesday I did home health with a nurse from the county health department. It was pretty cool to see a different side of nursing than just being in the hospital all day. Today, I did WellBama…a program that my instructor started on campus to monitor to health of the employees at UA. Basically, I took a lot of people’s blood pressure and checked some blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Tomorrow, I’m going to an inpatient hospice center on the VA campus.
Last night, we had two friends over for dinner, and I made Garlic chicken, corn, rolls, and brownies. It was yummy! I’d like to start having people over to eat dinner with us at least once a week until finals start. Being hospitable is fun!
Travis is as busy as ever right now. It seems like all his professors have been postponing tests and deadlines, and now they are all panicking and making everything due NOW! He’s been working really hard though, and he’ll deserve his 1 month break once finals are over. I think our last day of finals is May 8th, and he isn’t starting work until after our trip to Fripp Island with my family at the end of May/early June! I’m so excited!
Speaking of work, I am hopefully going to work one or two days a week at the hospital doing what I did last summer. I don’t think they really need me that much, but I don’t mind…I really just want to keep my foot in the door there. Plus, I can take my CPR re-certification class and get my TB skin test (that I have to do every year for nursing school) done for free as an employee at Huntsville Hospital!
That’s about all that’s going on with us. We’re excited about coming to Huntsville this weekend! Can’t wait to see everyone :)