This really has been the best week of the semester so far. Travis and I have spent an entire week together, and we still have 2 more days before he has to go back to t-town! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
Last Friday, he drove up to Baugay’s from Tuscaloosa, and due to several problems on the interstate (wrecks and sinkholes), it ended up taking him 3 1/2 hours instead of 2 1/2. So, we ended up missing supper at the Hesters’ house unfortunately. Instead, we ended up cooking a frozen pizza and going to Publix for groceries. Fun, fun!
Saturday, we did some cleaning around the apartment before eating supper with Travis’s family (minus Emily, who is in Europe!) and Tyler’s family that night. We had never met Tyler’s parents or his little sister before, so it was great to meet them and spend the evening together!
Sunday, we went to church and ate lunch with Travis’s family. After lunch, we went to two CVS’s looking for deodorant deals. I finally found the kind I was looking for at the CVS on Hughes, so I got 6 for about 40 cents each! Sunday night, Andrew and Gary came over and we ate pizza and hung out.
Monday and Tuesday, Travis and I spent a good bit of both days painting the basement at his mom’s house. We had fun with her, Alisha, and Tyler, and I think I got a lot better at painting by the end of it all. The basement really looks good! Monday night, I ate the best pizza I’ve ever had..seriously. It was from Papa Murphy’s, which I’d never heard of before, but we’re definitely going to have to go there again soon. They make the pizza in front of you, and then you take it home and cook it in the oven. It was awesome! Wow, didn’t realize I’d eaten so much pizza over the break! Oops :)
We also got a new tag for my car…I’m now officially a 47er :)
Wednesday, we spent most of the afternoon working on taxes (not fun!). We figured out that we should be getting almost $400 back, so yay for that! Guess that will be going towards the new car and/or future house funds like the rest of our money :)
Yesterday and today, we went our separate ways. Travis went on a canoe trip with Alan and Gary up at Shoals Creek, and he came back looking like a lobster. One day, I’ll convince him that sunscreen is a good thing. One day. They had fun though and didn’t freeze or starve, so that was a bonus.
I headed down to Smith Lake to hang out with my parents since they were going to be there for a couple of days. I can’t believe it had been over a month since I’d seen them last! We started painting the screened porch today, and it looks a lot better already. Hopefully next time we go to the lake we can stay longer. The weather was absolutely perfect today!
Apparently, the 2 P’s of spring break this year were pizza and painting :)
Got some bad news tonight…Granny was taken to the hospital this morning in Birmingham and is in ICU right now. Her heart stopped a few times while she was in the ER, and she’s getting a pacemaker put in on Monday. That’s about all I know right now. Mom and Dad were heading there tonight to see her…they left the lake house early when they found out late this afternoon. Hopefully the pacemaker will get her heart working right again and she’ll be able to go home!
Tomorrow night, Matt and Maggie are coming over for supper, so we’re excited about that. I love having people over!
Thanks for listening to my ramblings!