
Abigail’s Newborn Photo Session

Technically, Abigail wasn’t a newborn anymore when we had her photo session with Carla on September 30th. She was already 1.5 months old! But, what can you do when you don’t have your baby at home with you for close to the first month of her life? Ironically, she was still smaller than the other 2 girls at their newborn sessions even though she was so much “older” :) But, she did great! She was still sleepy like a newborn, so it wasn’t too hard to get her to cooperate for the pictures. This was our first outing as a family of 5, and I’d say it went pretty well. Brooklyn and Savannah smiled for the majority of the pictures—and yes, we used candy to bribe them ;) Whatever works! It’s a weird feeling knowing that we won’t have anymore newborn sessions with Carla. We have grown to love her over the past several years!

I was pretty shocked that Savannah actually smiled for these family pictures. Carla worked her magic again! This is one of my favorites :)

And this is my other favorite…can’t decide which one I like better!

Checking out baby Abigail :)

There’s stoic Savannah ;)

We even got a few of just us with Abigail…

I liked this one a lot too!

Abigail kept trying to wiggle out of her blanket during these pictures…haha

And here she is all by herself!

A little smile :)

I loved this little headband that Carla put on her…


Love this one too!

This is one of my favorites of Abigail by herself. I love the contrast of the wood with the blue wrap and headband :)

And I thought it would be neat to the put the newborn pictures of all 3 girls side by side. It’s hard to tell who Abigail looks like! What do you think?

Top row: Brooklyn; Middle row: Savannah; Bottom row: Abigail

We love our sweet girls!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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