
Abigail: 15 Months Old

Abigail turned 15 months old on November 16th. She has grown and learned so much over the last few months!

I don’t know Abigail’s exact weight right now (she’ll go for her checkup next week), but I’m guessing she weighs around 19 pounds now. I can definitely tell she’s gotten heavier lately, although she’s certainly not chubby by any means. She is still nursing (yay!), and I’m hoping to continue that at least through the winter months. She nurses about 2-4 times/day, mainly depending on how busy we are that day. I’m trying to transition to just nursing her first thing in the morning and right before bed at night, and she does pretty well with that as long as she gets an afternoon snack like her big sisters do ;) It certainly makes it easier on me when she doesn’t nurse right when I’m trying to get supper made. She went through a phase about a month ago where she would stop nursing after a minute or two and just start wailing, especially right before bed. She would be so mad, but she would just refuse to nurse anymore. I have no idea what that was about, but thankfully we are past that now. Now she gets mad if I cut her off before she’s ready to be done!

Abigail is eating three good meals a day. She drinks whole milk from a sippy cup and does great with that. She has gotten pickier lately with what she will and won’t eat, but it changes depending on the day and her mood. She almost always loves fruit, especially bananas. She loves PB&J, so that’s normally what she eats for lunch (because Savannah eats that every day too, so I’m making one anyway). She’s gotten really picky with vegetables lately. It’s usually hit or miss whether she’ll eat meat or not. Her favorite foods are fruit, yogurt, and bread.

Abigail is wearing size 3 diapers and mostly 12 month clothes. She basically skipped from 6 month summer clothes to 12 month winter clothes when the weather got colder. Her legs are too long for 9 month pants, although they would still fit in the waist. She is wearing size 3 shoes, although I think she will outgrow some of her current shoes soon. She is working on her EIGHTH tooth right now (one of her 12 month molars!). Travis jokes that she has more teeth than hair…haha. Poor thing. She is definitely our baldest baby at this age.

Abigail is sleeping through the night for the most part these days. Every once in a while, she will cry out during the night, but I’m blaming that on teething. We typically put her to bed around 8 PM, and she generally sleeps until 6:30 or 7 AM. As far as naps go, she usually takes two naps per day. We have gotten into a pretty good groove working in nap time around Brooklyn’s school schedule. I try to put her down for a morning nap around 9:30 or 10 AM, and then she takes an afternoon nap usually after school around 3 or 3:30 PM. Hopefully she’s not too far away from transitioning to one nap/day…that will make things even easier!

Abigail is on-the-go and into EVERYTHING these days. She is still primarily scooting around on her bottom, but she is pretty quick and can move across the room before I turn around. She is also pulling up to her feet and cruising while holding onto furniture. She hasn’t started standing without holding onto something; usually if she lets go, she can stand for just a second or two before she sits down on the floor. Abigail is definitely causing mayhem these days; she is interested in everything and wants to check it all out. She has discovered that cabinet doors open, and she loves to play with Tupperware. She digs in the trash, loves TV remotes and cell phones, and is great at making a mess. She can pull things out just as fast as I put them away. It reminds me so much of Brooklyn when she was this age! Abigail has also learned how to climb stairs and is great at going up. Her problem is that she never wants to come down, so she hasn’t learned that part of it yet. We currently have the stairs barricaded with a box, but she’s pretty sneaky at getting around it anyway. Basically, I have to keep an eye on her at all times, or I never know where I might find her!

Abigail is also a chatty little thing. She loves to babble and make noise. I think she probably feels like she has to say something like her sisters do, or we’ll completely forget about her! She is saying a few words that we can understand: bye bye, uh oh (sounds like “uh ah”), mama, dada, woo woo (our cat’s nickname). I’ve also heard her say “amen” once or twice, and I think she’s said “woof woof” and “dog” a few times too. I can also tell she’s starting to understand what we’re saying. She definitely understands the word “no”, although she doesn’t always agree with us ;) She also will sometimes hand us something if we ask for it. She definitely has a bit of a fiery personality though; sometimes if she doesn’t want to hand me something, she’ll just take off scooting away with it in the opposite direction like she can outrun me ;) She is pretty persistent and will usually try things multiple times even after we say “no”, like taking the silverware out of the dishwasher. I think we may have our hands full with this one!

Likes: splashing in the bath tub, exploring and making messes, playing with her sisters, holding the toothbrush all by herself, being tickled under her chin (Daddy has definitely found her most ticklish spot!), climbing stairs, chasing and “petting” Gabby, and being held (although she is good at entertaining herself too!)

Dislikes: being told “no” (of course!), not being allowed to climb the stairs, when Savannah invades her personal space–happens a lot!

We sure do love our baby girl!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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