I guess it’s past time I catch my readers (all five of you?) up on what’s been going on lately. We have been working hard fixing up our house…but the ol’ blog has been pretty neglected ;)
So, the big news is…..Baby Grant #3 is on the way!
Other than my rapidly growing belly, at this point I’ve been so busy that I don’t even really think about being pregnant that much. I’ll be 13 weeks along on Wednesday, putting my official due date at October 4th, 2017. Finally, a fall baby—and maybe one that will share my birth month!! :) We are excited, nervous, and overwhelmed all rolled up into one. Actually, I’d say the initial “shock” after finding out I was pregnant has worn off. I feel like it’s a pretty big change to go from 2 kids to 3. We’ll have to buy a bigger car (hello minivan!?). We’ll have more people than bedrooms unless we move. We’ll be outnumbered—3 kids and only two of us parents! But, somehow we’ll survive, even if we are still living in this house when October gets here.
I found out I was pregnant on January 27th—my second to last Friday to work. I was pretty surprised when it actually came back and said “pregnant”. We’d decided we were ready for another baby, but let’s just say we weren’t anticipating it happening right away ;) I didn’t keep the news to myself very long…I left the test sitting in Travis’s chair while he was tucking Brooklyn into bed. He came back to the living room and said he initially thought it was something of Brooklyn’s she’d left, but then he realized what it really was. I don’t think he was as surprised as I was, but it didn’t take more than a few minutes before our heads were spinning: “Maybe we need to try to move before the baby comes. We’ll have to fix x, y, & z before we can put our house on the market. What do we do if no one buys our house before the baby comes? We need a new car. This baby is due 2 weeks after our family beach trip! Ahhh!”
As we typically do, we decided to keep the news to our ourselves until after my first OB appointment, which wasn’t scheduled until February 27th (a whole month away). I think my belly had other plans though because I’m pretty sure I was already showing by 5 weeks…haha. By the time we finally told our families over the next day or two after the appointment, I don’t think too many people were surprised ;) We ended up just sending a group text out to our families with a video of Brooklyn and Savannah announcing the news; unfortunately, there wasn’t a good opportunity to tell everyone in person that week, and we didn’t want to wait any longer to share.
Overall, I’ve been feeling pretty good so far. I had a few weeks earlier on where my stomach just felt a little “off”. I wouldn’t really even call it nausea…I just didn’t feel exactly right. My main issue has just been fatigue so far, but I feel like that’s definitely gotten better over the last week or two. I’ve taken a lot of afternoon naps over the last two months while the girls nap. I really can’t complain though compared to how miserable some ladies feel during early pregnancy. The 8 week appointment went well: The baby was measuring right on track, and his/her HR was 178. I had one day later that week with some very light spotting (no cramping), but I went back to be checked and everything was still fine. 12 week checkup is tomorrow! We need to start taking weekly belly pics soon—if we can remember with everything else going on!
As for the girls, their reactions have been pretty much what we expected. Savannah is completely clueless that anything is going on, although she’s enjoyed touching my growing belly when she sees Brooklyn do it first. Brooklyn seems to be pretty excited and curious about the whole thing. It’s pretty neat that she understands so much more this time around than last time when I was pregnant with Savannah. At the 8 week appointment, Brooklyn was excited to see the baby on the ultrasound. When we were finished and walking out of the room, she wanted to know, “Can we keep Savannah too?” :) We assured her that we wouldn’t be getting rid of Savannah just because another baby was on the way. When we asked her if she thought it would be a little brother or little sister, she replied, “I’d like a little sister!” I’m not sure she understands that we don’t get to pick. Hopefully, we will get to find out the gender at the 16 week appointment, which will be at the end of April. And yes, we’ll be sharing with everyone soon after that!
Several weeks ago, I stepped out of the shower, and Brooklyn ran into the bathroom (no privacy for Mommy, of course!). She exclaimed, “Mommy, you have a FULL belly!” I hate to see what she’ll say when she sees my full belly in October! It’s been really sweet to see her notice and remember that a baby is on the way though. One day, she prayed, “Please help the baby to grow up in Mommy’s tummy.” Heart melted.
We are so excited and thankful for this blessing from God! Life will be even more crazy and chaotic in a few months, but it will be well worth the craziness to experience the joy that kids bring. Hopefully soon I will have a chance to blog about our thoughts/hopes for selling our house and our search for a new one. It’s kept us pretty busy since early February! In the meantime, we’d appreciate your prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Thanks, y’all! :)
6 replies on “Grant Family News”
And we love Rae Rae!
Congratulations on your exciting news Erin and Travis!!
Thank you!!! :)
Congrats! I had a suspicion after I read you quit your job.
Thanks Jennifer! Haha it probably made several people suspicious. We’d been planning for me to quit since last fall, and the timing of my last day happened to work out perfectly :)