Little Sis has had a pretty good month overall! She went through a rough spell a couple of weeks ago where she seemed fussier than usual, but (knock on wood), lately she’s been having pretty good days.
Our scale says that Savannah weighs about 18 pounds, but I really find that hard to believe. She doesn’t seem to be that much bigger than last month! Maybe I’m wrong though :) She is nursing about 5 times/day…usually around 7-7:30 AM, 11 AM, 1-2 PM, 5-6 PM, and 8 PM. She is a pretty quick eater like Brooklyn was; she usually nurses for 10 minutes or less at a time. It took a few weeks, but I think Savannah has gotten the hang of eating from the spoon. She just didn’t seem too interested at first, and I think it’s because she didn’t know what to do…not that she didn’t like the food. We’ve gone back and tried rice cereal again, and she eats it with no problem! She has also eaten apple (one of her favorites), sweet potato, banana, pumpkin, and apricot lately, and she’s seemed to like all of them. We are usually only feeding her purees once a day, and sometimes we skip a day (or two). Basically, we do it whenever we can work it in :) She is so patient when she eats; she doesn’t fuss or seem to care how long it takes me to give her the next bite…she will just sit there and wait as long as it takes. What a sweetie!
Savannah had one of her best ever nights of sleep on Saturday night; she slept from 8 PM to 6:40 AM without making a peep! I feel like for the most part she’s been sleeping better at night overall lately. She is definitely going to sleep easier at night than she was a few weeks ago. Most nights I can lay her down in the crib awake and she just goes off to sleep without crying. Then, it’s anybody’s guess how long she will sleep without crying out after that. A lot of times she will sleep until at least 5 or 5:30 AM before waking up. Then, we’ll get her and bring her to our bed to hopefully sleep a little longer until Brooklyn wakes up :) But, she still has those nights where she’s waking up crying at 10 PM or 1 AM or something like that. You just never know! But, overall nighttime sleep is improving, which makes Mommy and Daddy very thankful :)
Some things never change though—like Savannah’s napping habits! When will she start napping longer than 30-40 minutes on a consistent basis? Who knows?? :) Every once in a while, she’ll take a 2 hour nap (like yesterday afternoon!), but those are still pretty rare. As long as she’ll sleep pretty good at night, that’s the main thing I care about!
As far as new skills. Savannah is sitting up really well these days. She can sit for several minutes at a time–usually until she sees something that she’s wants that she can’t quite get to unless she’s on her belly ;) She’s started scooting a little better on her belly; she still can’t go too far yet, but she can get to things that she sees nearby. She’s even gotten up on her hands and knees a couple of times, but (thankfully) she’s not crawling just yet :) I’m not in a big hurry for her to get mobile!
Savannah has definitely found her voice this month! She has started babbling and can be pretty loud at times. Her favorite “phrase” is “Ahh yah yah yah”. Can anyone tell me what that means? ;) She isn’t making noise all the time though. A lot of times she is pretty content to just suck on her paci quietly. But, when she’s in the right mood, she can definitely be a little talker! She is generally a happy baby (except when she’s ready for a nap or bedtime). She loves attention, and it’s pretty easy to make her laugh when she’s in the right mood (or anytime, if your name is Brooklyn!). Usually she cries the most between 7-8 PM–right before bed when she’s just worn out.
Savannah has also gotten a lot better this month at picking up and holding toys. Brooklyn makes sure that Savannah always has plenty of toys to play with. Isn’t that a big sister’s job? :) She will come and dump out a huge tub of blocks right in front of Sister. So, Savannah is never lacking for something to chew on. She loves gnawing on anything she can get her hands on. I haven’t seen any teeth trying to pop through yet, so maybe we’ve got another month or two before the first one appears :) I’m in no hurry for that either!
One day Savannah won’t be spitting up anymore. I keep telling myself that. Sadly, that day hasn’t come yet. And, it gets even more fun when they start eating real food: colored spit up! It’s a good thing we have cheap carpet because she has spit up all over it ;) I had no idea about any of this because I guess we got lucky with Brooklyn–I don’t remember her ever spitting up after she was about 5 months old. Oh well! I can handle the laundry and carpet scrubbing as long as Savannah is still growing and gaining weight (which she is).
Likes: playing with Brooklyn, chewing on toys, pulling earrings and hair (it begins!), sucking on her paci, being held, being tickled (she is extremely ticklish!), taking baths, watching and “petting” Gabby (one of our cats), jumping in the doorway jumper
Dislikes: being too tired, the hour before bedtime, getting a toy taken away from her, eating green peas
Savannah is wearing size 3 diapers now, and they are fitting her pretty well. I think she’ll be in 3s for a while! She is wearing mostly 6-9 and 9 month size clothes. 12 month stuff is still a little bit big, which is a shame because that’s what most of Brooklyn’s winter clothes are. Hopefully she’ll be able to wear them at some point this winter! Savannah’s hair is coming in a little bit thicker, although you can’t really tell in pictures. It’s a very light brown/blonde color—definitely lighter than Brooklyn’s was as a baby. It will be interesting to see how it changes as she grows.
We love you, sweet Savannah! Can’t wait to see what the next month holds!
One reply on “Savannah: 7 Months Old”
Wow, that last picture looks a little more like Brooklyn. Great blog and pictures.