Thursday night, Savannah was exactly 1 week shy of being 6 months old. I was scheduled to work on Friday, and they asked me if I could stay longer than the 8 hours I was scheduled for since it was a busy day. The problem was that I didn’t have much milk stored up in the freezer other than what I thought she’d need for my regular shift. We were already planning to introduce rice cereal pretty soon anyway, but after I agreed to work a little longer on Friday, we decided to give it a go on Thursday night! That way, in a pinch, she might be able to eat some of that on Friday if the milk supply ran out ;)
I believe Brooklyn was about a week shy of being 6 months old when she tried “real” food for the first time too. It was funny how different their reactions to it were! I remember Brooklyn just opening up her mouth like a little bird…and she got mad when I stopped feeding her! Savannah, on the other hand, was a little less excited…
A smile before we got started!
She opened her mouth for the spoon a couple of times, and that was about it :)
She kept trying to grab the spoon, of course!
“What IS this stuff? Doesn’t taste like mommy milk!”
I thought this one was sweet :)
“Give me that bowl!”
After a bite or two (most of which she pushed out of her mouth with her tongue), she was more interested in gnawing on her hands than anything else…
“No thanks!”
This expression pretty much sums up her feelings about the experience! :)
Happy to be finished?
Mommy was more excited than Little Sis about the whole thing!
I’m not sure how much rice cereal she actually swallowed, but each time she actually ate some, she made a face! Most of what I “fed” her got spit back out onto her bib :) So, it was time for a bath afterward!! She got all nice and cleaned up, jumped for a few minutes in her jumper, and……
…promptly fell asleep standing up! (First time she’s ever done that!).
Apparently, it was an exhausting experience ;)
So far, she’s tried rice cereal one or two other times and green peas once, and nothing has been a big hit. Either she’s going to be a picky eater, or she just prefers the taste of mommy milk. Maybe we’ll try sweet potatoes next–if she’s anything like her big sister, she’ll LOVE those! :)
One reply on “Savannah Eats “Real” Food!”
I was laughing so loud at those faces, Melissa had to come check on me!