I think we can finally breathe a sigh of relief and say we are past the worst of the newborn stage. Hooray! Savannah has continued to make huge strides in how content she is during the day and how well she sleeps at night. We can’t ask for much more than that!
According to my measurements, Savannah is about 13 pounds and is 25.5 inches long. She’s still long and lean with a few fat rolls on her arms and legs, but not much of a belly! She is still nursing well overall. We went to see Dr. Castillo (a pediatric ENT doc) to get her checked out for a possible tongue tie. She has never been able to really stick her tongue out past her bottom lip, and I think that may be why she doesn’t have a great latch when she nurses. (Thankfully, it hasn’t caused problems for either of us). But, a tongue tie can cause speech problems down the road, so we wanted to get it checked out early, and so Dr. Dudley referred us to Dr. Castillo. Anyway, we decided to go ahead and let him clip it this afternoon. It wasn’t too big of a deal other than making her mad for a few minutes, and it didn’t bleed for more than a couple of minutes. We’ll see if that helps her latch at all. Savannah is nursing about 6 times a day every 3 hours or so. She is a pretty quick eater like her big sis was….she’s finished in about 10 minutes or less usually!
One of the best things that has happened this month is that Savannah is now sleeping through the night for the most part! That makes Mommy very excited :) She isn’t on much of a set routine yet, but we generally try to get her in bed sometime between 8 and 9 PM (usually right before or after Brooklyn goes to bed). She is sleeping in her crib at night, and it is still elevated a little bit to help with her reflux problems (although we’ve lowered it from how high it used to be). She sleeps best when she is swaddled, so we are still swaddling her at night. I lay her down awake in her crib after she nurses one last time, and she will usually only fuss for a few minutes before going off to sleep. After that, we usually don’t hear a peep from her until sometime between 4-6 AM, and recently it was 7 AM one morning! Depending on how early she wakes up, I will feed her and sometimes try to put her back in the crib for a little more sleep for both of us :)
Nap time has gotten a lot better this month too! Savannah is taking SOME naps in her crib, although I usually can’t count on those to be longer than 30-45 minutes at a time. She seems to be a light sleeper and when she stirs, she has a hard time putting herself back to sleep. Sometimes, I end up holding her for her naps (if it’s at the same time Brooklyn is napping). We’ve started giving her a paci for her naps (not at night though), and that helps her go off to sleep pretty well on her own. It’s nice to not have to rock her or bounce her; if she’s tired, she’ll fall asleep in her crib or my arms just by sucking the paci. She’s not on a real napping schedule at this point, but I would guess that she takes 4-5 naps a day of varying lengths. Sometimes when I get lucky, she will take a 3 hour nap in her crib. Those are really nice!
I am so amazed that Savannah is the same baby that she was a few months ago. She is just so much happier now! It’s unreal that she is the same baby that was so fussy and uncomfortable for the first 7 weeks of life. These days, she is smiling so much. She will even smile right before it’s time to eat, and I know she’s hungry. I’m pretty sure she is more smiley than Brooklyn was at this age. Usually all it takes is just you making eye contact with her and giving her attention, and you can get a big grin out of her. I love it! She is also much more content to be put down than she used to be. She will usually sit in her bouncer while Brooklyn and I eat breakfast or lunch, and she also likes to lie on her activity mat and watch the kitty cat light up.
Other new developments: Savannah has turned into a BIG talker lately. If you look at her and start talking, she will usually start “talking” in return. She loves to coo and squeal (sometimes), and she has even started giggling a little bit this week too. I love to hear those sweet sounds! Brooklyn thinks it’s so funny to hear “Sister” talking to her. She gets a big kick out of it :) Savannah has also rolled from her back to her side a couple of times. I think yesterday was the first time she’d done that. She may be rolling all the way over before we know it!
We are still dealing with some reflux issues with Savannah. Thankfully, it’s more of a laundry problem than anything these days. She is still spitting up after a lot of feedings during the day (not always a whole lot, but it just depends). The biggest thing that I hate is that she is still choking from time to time, usually about once a day at least. The choking problem got better for a few weeks, but it’s gotten worse again over the past few weeks. Usually, it’s at least an hour or more after she’s eaten, and she’ll just randomly start choking like she can’t catch her breath. I guess it’s something coming up from her stomach. She doesn’t turn blue or stop breathing altogether, but it’s still a little unnerving to hear her get choked for several seconds. Hopefully that problem will resolve soon, or I’ll have to talk to Dr. Dudley about it at her 4 month checkup. I’m still keeping her upright most of the time, but sometimes even that doesn’t seem to help. I guess she’ll just grow out of it eventually?
Likes: taking a bath, getting attention, lying on the activity mat, knawing on her hands, kicking her legs, trying to stand up (while we’re supporting her)
Dislikes: riding in the car (sometimes), getting out of the bathtub, tummy time (she refuses to lift her head…and screams the whole time!)
Savannah has just recently moved into size 2 diapers (mainly because we ran out of 1s and didn’t buy anymore). She is getting almost too long for 3 month clothes, so she is mainly wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. And, those eyes are still dark blue! Rae Rae is still shocked that she has a blue-eyed granddaughter I think ;)
Savannah, you are such a joy these days. We love being your mommy and daddy. Can’t wait to see you grow and change over the next month!