3 blog posts in 2 days?? Let’s do this! I already wrote about Dadaw and about going to the carnival this weekend. So, this will be my recap post on everything else we’ve been up to over the last couple of weeks (since the 4th of July, I guess). I will start with pictures and finish up with a few “funnies”:
Last weekend was the annual Dvorak family reunion at Joe Wheeler. This year, Jon/Katie and David/Lauren weren’t able to make it, so that meant Graham and Quinn weren’t there either. Sad day for Brooklyn! Graham is about 9 months younger and Quinn is a little over a year younger than B. I know they would have had fun running around together! Next year if everyone is able to come, we will have lots of littles on the move because Carter (and probably Savannah) will be walking too. It will probably just be mass chaos for the whole day…haha ;)
The whole group that was there this year!
Aunt Em-bo-ly (as Brooklyn is currently calling her) enjoyed some time with Savannah :)
Savannah got passed around all day. It was a nice break for Mommy and Daddy :)
A rare moment when Brooklyn actually sat down…haha
Brooklyn’s got this cornhole thing figured out! What’s so hard about that?
Playing games is always on the agenda at the reunion…
Cici got some Savannah time in too :)
Brooklyn was too revved up to take a nap at her usual time in the afternoon, but by about 5 PM she was exhausted, so Daddy got her to take a nap on his shoulder for about an hour right before supper. She played hard all day! She was a sweaty, dirty mess. That girl doesn’t mind being out in the heat…that’s for sure!
It was a fun but tiring day overall. Brooklyn is so fast now that you can’t take your eye off her for a minute, or she’ll disappear. So that part was a little challenging because we didn’t want her to take off into the parking lot or the woods without us knowing. No relaxing for Mommy and Daddy at these type of events these days! Savannah did great the whole day. She didn’t seem to mind the heat, nursed really well, took several naps, and barely cried at all. We couldn’t have asked for a better day from her!
The day after the reunion, we got together to take a sibling picture after church for Baugay’s wall in her den. We have been trying to take that picture for months, but it kept getting delayed for one reason or another (one of the times was when B swallowed the quarter…whoops!). Anyway, we got a couple of decent pictures. It’s hard to get anything that good when it’s the middle of the day and everyone is squinting. Oh well!
The best we could do :)
We borrowed these cute matching dresses from Leah, and the girls wore them on a recent Wednesday night to church. Brooklyn is getting so tall that hers was more like a long shirt…haha. I thought this picture turned out cute!
Baugay got to hold Savannah for a few minutes last Sunday when we ate lunch at her house. With all 3 great-grandkids there at the same time, it gets a little crazy! :)
I recently ordered a Frogg Togg cooling towel on Amazon, and we used it at the reunion. It works pretty well! You just wet it, and as the water evaporates, the towel keeps you cool for several hours. Travis got creative on Monday and tied it up like a do-rag around his head ;) He said it really did help!
Brooklyn loves to run around the backyard while Travis cuts the grass. Doesn’t matter if the heat index is over 100 degrees to that girl!
My little helper :)
Kisses for Sister – Brooklyn loves to give her kisses, but has also started whacking her in the head with various objects lately too :( Hopefully, it won’t take too many more spankings before she stops doing that. Sorry, Sister!
She is getting so big!
A few weeks ago, this onesie was telling a lie, but it’s the truth now! So thankful for that! Savannah really is a pretty happy baby most of the time these days, which has made the days much more enjoyable and easier overall.
She even fell asleep in the Boppy pillow on the couch one evening all by herself!
My other little helper – can’t believe she’ll be 3 months old in another week and a half!
A Few Other Notes:Â
- Brooklyn’s favorite movie is Frozen right now. We’ve had it for months, but she refused to watch it because she was obsessed with Finding Nemo. Then, one day recently, she decided she wanted to watch it, and has watched it about every day since. I’ve caught her singing parts of “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” and “For the First Time in Forever” several times. I need to get a video of it…it’s cute!
- Speaking of movies, Brooklyn knows how to get a “DBD” out of the “DBD player” correctly. She will put her finger in the hole and pull it out and hand it to me, and then say “I share!”
- Also recently – Brooklyn told me one night as I was tucking her in bed: “I wuv you so much, Mommy” after I told her I loved her. Melted my heart. I could listen to her tell me that all day long. She has said it about every day since, so I hope that phrase sticks :)
- I mentioned this in the post about Dadaw passing away, but one night recently Travis was watching NASCAR on TV, and Brooklyn was interested in it. She couldn’t get the name quite right though…instead of NASCAR, she was calling it “NASTY-CARS”. Haha!
- I will usually sing her a song or two as I tuck her in bed at night, and one night I decided to sing “Roll the Gospel Chariot Along”. I guess she likes the hand motions because she’s asked me to sing it every night since then. She will say, “I want to sing ‘Cherry One’ “. Â I guess that’s how she says “chariot” :)
- Just in the past few days, Brooklyn had started calling me Momma instead of Mommy. Not sure why it changed, but I guess I might have a new name!
- One day, Brooklyn had the medicine syringe from her doctor kit in her hand, and she came up behind me and poked me with it in the rear end. I turned around and said, “Ouch! You got my booty!” Brooklyn replied very matter-of-factly: “Booties need shots!”
- This morning, we were leaving the church building and walking to our car, and Kiersten and Alex Milstead ran up to Brooklyn to say bye. Kiersten gave B a hug, and then Alex gave her a hug also….AND a kiss on the cheek! Brooklyn smiled and said, “Thanks!”
Daddy better get that shotgun ready! ;)