pregnancy #2

4D Fun at 28 Weeks

Yesterday was our 4D ultrasound! It was so neat to see a little sneak peek of Miss Savannah. We were the very first appointment of the day, and I really liked our tech. I thought she did a great job, and I feel like the pictures we got this time were even better than the ones we got from Brooklyn’s 4D. Savannah is now head down (yay!), so hopefully she will stay that way. Her heart rate was in the 130s yesterday also. As for me, I was 28 weeks along yesterday and still doing pretty good, other than tossing and turning all night when I sleep. I just can’t get comfortable! :( Everything else is great though, so I can’t complain. I’d gained 4 pounds since the last appointment, and the nurse told me I’ve gained about 13 or 14 pounds overall so far, so I’m happy with that. I’m so thankful for a healthy pregnancy through the first two trimesters! We will go back in 2 more weeks for my 30 week checkup :)

28 Weeks

Savannah was pretty cooperative during the 4D. She moved around some, but not so much that we couldn’t get good pictures. We told Brooklyn that we were looking at pictures of Savannah (“Sabannah” is how she pronounces it these days), and she seemed to pay a little bit of attention to what was going on at least :) Brooklyn was very good during the whole appointment, so that made things much easier on us.

While we were in the room during the 4D, we were definitely convinced that Savannah looks more like Travis. But, after getting home and looking at the pictures on my computer, I’m not so sure anymore. I think I see some “Brooklyn” in her, but there’s something different about her too. I can’t wait to see her face in person in a couple more months!

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A sweet smile…

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Looks like she’ll have long toes like the rest of us! :)

And, here are some comparison photos from both 4D ultrasounds…just for kicks:

4D Comparison Collage

4D Comparison Collage 2

So, now it’s your turn…who do YOU think Savannah looks like?? :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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