
Water Bug

We took Brooklyn to her first swim lesson on Tuesday night. All day on Tuesday, I kept reminding Brooklyn that she would get to swim later that night. I was hoping that things would go well if she got excited enough. Well, apparently I got her TOO excited…haha. We got there about 15 minutes early (Travis was meeting us there), and she couldn’t wait to get in the pool. She was getting more and more antsy the longer she waited. “Swim? Swim? Swim?”


She wouldn’t take her eyes off the pool for a picture!


“When can I get in that water?”

Finally, the instructor started calling roll, and then they could get in the pool. I think there are probably 8 or 9 kids in her class (age 6 months to 2.5 years), but there were only 4 or 5 kids there on Tuesday night. Brooklyn was the oldest one by far!


Travis said the water was cold! It was nice and toasty around the pool, so maybe the warm air just made the water feel colder than it was?

The first thing that the instructor did was come around to each kid with a small teapot of water and pour it over their heads. It was funny to watch the reaction of some of those babies! One was especially startled and made a funny face. When it was Brooklyn’s turn, I don’t even think she blinked. She was probably thinking…Is that the best you can do? At home in the bathtub, she will take a big cup of water and pour it over her own head…haha!

They also practiced blowing bubbles in the water. Brooklyn thought it was hysterical to dip her face in the water. She did pretty good blowing bubbles after Daddy showed her how.

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Next, they practiced floating on their bellies in the water. Brooklyn loved this part too! She likes to do this in the bathtub at home, so she was already used to lying on her belly in the water. She was even kicking her legs like she was trying to swim!

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Showing off her “skills” for the instructor :)

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After that, they practiced floating on their backs in the water. This was the only part that Brooklyn didn’t really like. She didn’t cry, but she kept trying to sit up instead of just laying back. Hopefully she will get more comfortable with it over the next couple of weeks.

_DSC6393 _DSC6398 _DSC6407The last “skill” that they worked on was sitting on the side of the pool and “jumping” into their parent’s arms. Brooklyn did great with this! I was so proud! I’m not sure if she just doesn’t have any fear, or if she just has a lot of trust in her daddy to catch her. Maybe both!

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And, here is the video if you’re interested…

Brooklyn also enjoyed playing with the squirt toy that she was allowed to hold during the class. She has some similar squirt toys in her bathtub at home, but this one was even bigger! She didn’t want to give it back at the end of class…haha!

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I’m really glad that this is an activity that Brooklyn can do with Travis. Sometimes I feel guilty that she is such a mommy’s girl, but she really did great with him on Tuesday. She even knew I was sitting on the side of the pool, and it didn’t bother her at all. Travis said he really enjoyed the swim class (more than he thought he might!), so hopefully he is looking forward to the 5 classes they have left :) The lessons are every Tuesday and Thursday for the next couple of weeks, so we will be going back tonight for lesson #2!

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Brooklyn is very lucky to have such a sweet daddy! Here’s to more fun in the water over the next few weeks! :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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