I’m playing catch-up again :)
The week before the beach was a busy one. Travis had some crazy days at work, and I worked a 14 hour shift on the Thursday before we left for Navarre. That was definitely a long day!
On the first Saturday in August, we hosted a backyard BBQ for some of the families from church. It was a lot of fun! It rained off and on all day, so I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to be outside (and we were expecting about 20 people, so it would have been very crowded inside!). Thankfully, the rained stopped right before everyone came at 5 PM, and we actually had perfect weather that evening! It wasn’t too hot or humid…yay! Travis grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, and we had homemade vanilla ice cream for dessert. I think everyone had a good time!
Some of the younger kids ate supper on this table. It was Brooklyn’s first experience sitting with other kids and eating. She didn’t understand the concept that everyone ELSE’S food wasn’t her own to eat. I think she ate a deviled egg off Kiersten’s plate and several Doritos off Lucy’s plate. That silly girl!
Lucy and Mikayla were Brooklyn’s little “mommies” that night. They followed her around and gave her lots of attention. Here, Lucy is showing Brooklyn how to go down the slide :)
…and then she waited at the bottom to catch Brooklyn. So sweet!
After that evening, I decided that we needed to get a Little Tikes picnic table of our own. (The Hesters brought that one over for the evening.) It was so helpful to have a place for the little kids to sit and eat! I hunted around online and found a girl selling one for $20. Considering that they can be $60-80 brand new, I thought that was a good deal!
Brooklyn loves it, of course! We haven’t eaten on it yet, but I’m sure we will once the weather cools off this fall :)
Brooklyn loves to be outside no matter how hot it is!
Recent picture in the bathtub…she has so many bath toys that they fill up the whole tub!
She has also figured out how to climb up in her rocker all by herself. She thinks she’s such a big girl!
Next up…a blog post about our week at the beach and and Brooklyn’s 18 month recap. Coming soon…I hope!!! ;)