With Thanksgiving just around the corner, here are just a few things I’m thankful for right now…
1. Gotta start off the list with Travis. We’ve been married almost 4 years, and it’s been awesome. It’s pretty cool to think about how far we’ve come since we first met in Tuscaloosa…all the places we’ve lived, graduating from college, starting our jobs, buying a house and getting settled (still working on that part!). He’s a hard worker, always offering to help others, true to his conscience, a good example, and just fun to be around. Especially during tough times like this year has been, he’s been a great support. I’m lucky to have him!
2. I’m also blessed with great family, both mine and his. I don’t think you ever really appreciate what your parents do for you until you leave home, and that was definitely the case with me. It took moving to Tuscaloosa for me to realize how much my mom and dad sacrificed for me. Thank you, Mom and Dad!! I’m especially thankful this year for my mom. She’s been a trooper through chemo so far and a real encouragement to me. I’m also thankful to have some pretty awesome sisters and a new brother too. Love all of you! And, I have a wonderful mother-in-law, Cheryl, who is definitely my mom away from home! Thanks for everything you do for us!! :) It would take a lot of typing to list everyone in our families by name, but I’m definitely thankful for all of you. We’re really blessed…
3. Would it be silly of me to mention Felix and Gabby in this list? Those kittens just bring so much joy into our lives! They are entertaining and a lot of fun. They definitely love us…that’s for sure! And, even though Travis wasn’t crazy about cats before we got them, I think he’s changed his mind about these two. It’s been really neat to watch them grow from skittish little kittens to adventurous and playful bigger kittens. They are best buds, and I’m really glad we got them!
4. We’re also blessed to be part of a great church at Kelly Spring Road. It’s awesome to be part of a group that really enjoys being together and worshiping God together. We’re always encouraged every time we are there, and when we’re out of town, we definitely miss being there! If you live in the area and are looking for a great group to be part of that is trying to follow God’s word, please come visit us!
5.Finally, I’m thankful for fall and the holiday season in general. The weather is perfect, football games are played every weekend, and it’s the perfect time to get together with family and friends. This time of year always makes me stop and reflect about all of my blessings, and I can’t help thinking about those who aren’t as fortunate, either financially or health-wise or whatever. It’s a time of giving and reflecting, and that’s what I love about it. Thinking about everything you have should make you want to help others who don’t have as much as you do. Last year, we went to the mall and chose an “angel” off the Angel Tree to buy gifts for, and I’m hoping we can do the same this year. It’s funny how your idea of Christmas changes from when you are young. As a child, all you can think about is what gifts YOU are going to get that year, and as you get older, you tend to think more about what you can give to OTHERS and how you can help OTHERS. I guess that’s called growing up.
I’m currently teaching the K-1 Bible class at church, and tonight’s lesson is about Moses and the burning bush. When God told Moses about His great plan for Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses started making a bunch of excuses and trying to convince God that he wasn’t the right guy to do the job. Of course, God wasn’t convinced, and with the help of Aaron, his brother, Moses went to Pharaoh and did just what he thought he couldn’t do! Many times, we make excuses for not doing something that we really could do (and I’m talking to myself here, too). We’re too tired, too old, too inexperienced, too busy, etc. Even if it’s just something “small”, it may mean a lot to someone else. This holiday season, let’s do what we can to help others…
My encouragement to you today is to stop and think about all of your blessings and how you can use them to help someone else. No excuses!