anniversary Christmas house hunting


Well, Travis and I celebrated our third anniversary yesterday. Can’t believe we’ve been married that long already! We’re actually waiting to celebrate until Sunday lunch since we are in Trussville with my family for a few days for the holidays. Last year I created a “Memory Jar” for us to write in every year on our anniversary. Each anniversary, we describe our favorite memory, a hard time we went through, a big decision we’ve made, and something we’ve learned throughout the past year.When we get older, I think it will be neat to go back and read through some of the things we’ve written!


3 years!


The obligatory Christmas card pic :)

Yesterday was the funeral for my great-aunt Georgia, Granny’s sister. Uncle Bill, Aunt Gale, and her mom drove down from Richmond for the funeral, so we all went out to eat for lunch yesterday before the funeral. I’ll always remember Aunt Georgia for her sweet and caring attitude. I don’t think I ever heard her say something mean or rude to anyone. She went on our Cushing family beach trips a few times after Papa died, and the last time she went with us was back in 2006, the summer after Travis and I started dating. She wanted to see a picture of “this new boy” that I was talking to every night on the phone, and when I showed her his picture, she exclaimed, “Oh, he looks just like a movie star!”

I learned a lot about Aunt Georgia yesterday at the funeral that I’d never known before. She graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill and worked for TVA as a “She-Engineer” on projects for World War II. Her husband was in the military and went to Japan, Korea, and Pearl Harbor among many other places. It was cool to look at old pictures of them when they were younger and read about their life together.

Today, we ate lunch with my mom’s side of the family for Christmas. Gran told us a lot of her family’s history while we were eating, which was really cool too. I didn’t realize that the dining room table that Travis and I have was my great-great-grandmother’s. Gran said one of her best childhood memories is sitting with her doll under that table at her grandmother’s house singing hymns with her grandmother. That table has a lot of history to it! As you get older, I guess you start to appreciate that kind of thing more…

Tomorrow we’re eating with the Cushing side of the family for Christmas. Uncle Bill and Aunt Gale have already gone home, but we’ll get to spend time with the Palmers and Granny. Should be a fun time as usual! Then, it’s back to Huntsville for Christmas with the Grant fam on Saturday :)

Quick update on the house situation: The sellers paid to have the house re-tested for radon, and the level this time averaged 12.1, which is somewhat lower than last time, but still higher than you want it to be. They’ve agreed to pay for a mitigation system to be installed, and they also agreed to all the other minor fixes that we asked for. Yay! Now, we’ve got to arrange the termite inspection, decide on our homeowner’s insurance, and get the house appraised. Hopefully things will continue to go smoothly!

That’s about all for now…Hope you have a very merry Christmas! :)

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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