Well, I was supposed to have a 4 day weekend, but it turned into a 5 day weekend after they gave me Thursday off because we were “overstaffed.” It was more than fine with me! I hurried back to Baugay’s and packed my stuff, and I was able to drive to Tuscaloosa in time for church at 7 Wednesday night. It was the first Wednesday night I’ve been at Northwood all semester!
Thursday and Friday were pretty lazy days, at least for me. I changed the sheets on the bed, did some dishes, ran on the treadmill at the gym, went to the grocery store, and got the oil changed in my car. I also went through all the stuff in the stockpile in our pantry and fridge, checking expiration dates on everything. I feel like I’ve done a pretty good job so far judging how much of a certain thing we’ll use before it goes bad, but I did end up throwing away some BBQ sauce, Worchestershire sauce, and a few other things. It’s hard when you stockpile and buy groceries like we do to know exactly what you have at home! I’m going to try to do a better job in the future of using what we have and making sure I use the oldest stuff first!
Last night, I made Bacon, Ranch, and Chicken Macaroni and Cheese from my Cooking Light magazine. It turned out really good, but it almost turned into a disaster! I burned the flour the first time around (I guess I had the heat up too high), and it turned in a black, charred mess. I had to start that part over, so dinner was a little delayed, but it ended up being really yummy!
This morning, Travis and I went up to the Radiology Clinic for him to get an ultrasound of his liver done. Most of you probably know this already, but a few weeks ago, Travis thought he had mercury poisoning. Tuna has a lot of mercury in it, and he had been eaten about 3 times the recommended weekly amount for a couple of weeks. He had been having some funny symptoms, so he went up to the Student Health Center to get it checked out. Well, the doctor said that he didn’t have mercury poisoning, but he does have hepatitis A! She could tell that from some of the blood work he’d had done that week. His liver enzymes were elevated, so she wanted him to come back in a week to get them rechecked. They were still elevated the second time, so she wanted him to get an ultrasound of his liver just to make sure everything is ok. You can get Hepatitis A from contaminated seafood, so we’re assuming that’s how he got it. Hopefully, next week we’ll get the results from the ultrasound. In the meantime, please pray for him!
Today, I finally finished the journal I’ve been writing about our trip to Pasadena. It turned out to be 20 pages single spaced…it’s basically a novel! Eventually, I’ll let you all read it if you want to, but be prepared–it may take you a while!
Travis has been working like a madman on schoolwork this weekend. Let’s see if I can keep this all straight: He has a test in Digital Control Systems on Monday, a group meeting for Senior Design Monday afternoon, a test in Quantum Physics on Tuesday, a group presentation for Senior Design on Wednesday, a 5 page paper for Quantum Physics due Thursday, and a 2 page paper (single spaced) due Friday in Communications. Makes me tired just typing it all out! I hope after this week that the worst will be behind him!!
Tonight, I’m trying another new recipe for Jamaican Chicken Burgers from Southern Living. Hope it turns out good too…I’ll let you know! :)
I’ll be in Tuscaloosa until Monday afternoon, and then I’m supposed to work from Tuesday to Friday next week. Then, I’ll have a short weekend, and work the next week, after which I have spring break off!! Yay! I can’t wait to spend a whole week with Travis :)
Only 70 days til he graduates!!!!