Abigail Brooklyn Halloween lake Savannah

First Half of October 2019

October was jam-packed full of activities for our family. Way too much for one blog post! So, this post will cover the first half of the month–we had a lot of fun, and there are plenty of pictures to prove it ;) Here’s the recap:

Brooklyn was excited about the Elsa dress I found at Kids Market for her Halloween costume. She had gone around and around from skeleton to ghost and finally decided on a Disney princess…haha. The dress was pretty long on her, but thankfully Cici came to the rescue with her super sewing abilities!

Savannah and Abigail wanted to wear the Creature Power Suits we have from the Wild Kratts tv show…at least for morning playtime one day!

Savannah blew me away with her counting and math skills that day. She was counting out these “creature power discs” and adding numbers together. It’s amazing how much she learns from Brooklyn. Savannah is counting so well, and we’ve never worked with her on it. She just learns from listening to Brooklyn count all the time.

Paw and Rae Rae came up to babysit on October 3rd while Travis and I went to the Sacred Selections fundraiser that night. They spent the night, and the girls were so excited to have Paw and Rae Rae there for breakfast the next morning. Brooklyn had to go to school that day, but Savannah and Abigail were happy to have soak up a little bit more of their time before they headed back home.

Soccer game #7 – 10/5/19

The game started at 10 AM. It was hot, although not quite as bad as some of the ones in September.

Brooklyn didn’t seem to have as much energy out there as usual, but she made it through :)

Travis and Tyler were off playing golf that afternoon, so we headed over to Alisha’s for a pizza and movie night. It’s always fun to get some extra cousin time!

Brooklyn’s fall break was October 7th-11th, so we got to do fun stuff like going to pick up our Walmart grocery order in our pjs ;) How did we live before Walmart pickup? ;)

We weren’t completely boring the whole week though! On October 8th, I took the girls to Let’s Play using our punch cards. Abigail enjoyed it so much when we went back in August that I figured she would love it again :)

She’s always a fan of the big balloons!

As usual, Brooklyn ran off and played with other kids while Savannah and Abigail didn’t venture too far from me…


Abigail was in a bit of a funk that morning, so we didn’t get any huge smiles like our last visit to Let’s Play…but I think she still had a good time.

Finally found Brooklyn!

They couldn’t stop giggling as it was rotating around :)

There’s Abigail with another balloon! ;)

It was a fun morning!

I spent a lot of time during fall break practicing how to do a French braid on Brooklyn’s hair. I never really learned how to do hair when I was growing up…I guess it just wasn’t something I was ever interested in. But, being a mom of three girls, I guess I will be forced to learn! Since Brooklyn was going to dress up as Elsa for Halloween, I didn’t have much time to learn to do a French braid. It took a lot of practice, and I’m still not very good, but I got *better* at it over the course of the week at least.

On October 9th, I took the girls to Bridge Street for a quick trip to Barnes and Noble. We needed to pick out a board book for a baby shower gift for Teagan, and I always enjoy looking in person for books. Brooklyn and Savannah loved looking at all the books too and added quite a few books to their Christmas lists that morning :)

Brooklyn had been asking for a while if we could go to a fountain so she could throw in a “lucky penny” that she’d found, so we walked down to the fountain in front of the movie theater after we left the bookstore. It’s the little things that make them so excited sometimes! :)

We worked on other fun hairstyles during fall break too. I found some neat tutorials on YouTube for how to fix little girls’ hair, and I loved this one.

I haven’t tried it again since then, but I thought it turned out pretty cute :)

When Travis and I went to the Sacred Selections fundraiser, one of the things we bid on (and won!) was a pack of 4 tickets to Tate Farms. It worked out nicely to go on the Friday of fall break (October 11th). It was a beautiful day, and we had a great afternoon!

Abigail wasn’t a fan of the jumping pillow, but Brooklyn and Savannah enjoyed it :)

Having so much fun!

Abigail’s favorite part of the afternoon was eating lots of snacks…haha

We did the hay maze two times in a row—first with Mommy and second with Daddy. Abigail’s stroller wouldn’t fit, so she waited at the exit ;) They were excited to make it out!

It was more crowded than we thought it would be that afternoon, but I think it was due to it being fall break and really nice weather outside.

Not interested in doing anything other than eating that apple ;)

The corn crib is always fun!

Sweet sisters :)

The girls each brought a little bit of allowance money with them so that they could buy something while we were there. Savannah ended up buying a small $2 pumpkin, and Brooklyn bought some candy in the gift shop ;) Of course, there were lots of other things they wanted to buy though! The new thing is “Take a picture of this, Mommy!” so we can look it up online later…haha.

By the last hour we were there, Abigail warmed up enough to try the slide and a few things besides just eating…

Say cheese!

Brooklyn struck up a conversation with a little boy ahead of us in line for these John Deere tricycles, and they were “arguing” about who would be the fastest one around the track. The boy’s dad told me that he is normally the timid one of their two children and that it was neat to see someone else be able to bring out the spunk in him ;) Leave it to Brooklyn to do just that!

I was heehawing at Travis pedaling around the track with Savannah in the back. The seat was too far forward, and he was having to work really hard just to get it moving slowly. It was hilarious!! :)

I waited with Abigail while the big girls and Travis rode the tricycles. She passed the time eating another snack ;)

Savannah even wanted to pedal one all by herself! I was proud of her for getting out there and not being afraid :) It helps her to watch her big sister do things first!

Before we left, the girl wanted to jump one more time. This time, Abigail was excited to jump a little bit too!

I had a mom fail moment…letting her jump so close to the edge in “no jump zone”. I was trying to get a video of her while keeping her close enough that I could get to her if I needed to…

Well, there’s a reason they call it the “no jump zone”! She started to fall as I was recording, and somehow I managed to catch her just before she hit the ground. I will definitely pay more attention to the wording on those things next time! Despite my dumb moment, we had a great afternoon and really enjoyed the wonderful weather!

The next day, October 12th, we drove down to the lake house to do a special trick-or-treating event with Paw and Rae Rae. It was called “Spook the Lake”, and it was a chance for kids to dress up in costumes and trick-or-treat by boat around the lake. Many people decorated their docks and stood out there to pass out candy for a couple of hours that afternoon. It was our first time to participate, and the girls were really excited!

All of my French braiding practice over fall break helped when it came time to get the girls into their costumes. I was nervous because I knew the wind would be blowing when the pontoon boat was moving, and the braid might fall…but it actually stayed in place really well!

Have you ever seen a ladybug wearing a life jacket? :)

Elsa, a ladybug, and Buzz Lightyear!

When Savannah was trying to decide what to be for Halloween, I pulled out a few of Brooklyn’s old costumes that might fit her. When she saw Buzz, she decided that it was the one! I didn’t give Abigail a choice on hers…haha. I loved this ladybug costume when Savannah wore it, and I was glad when it fit Abigail too so we could get one more use of it!

Ready to set sail with Captain Paw! The girls couldn’t wait!

It was a beautiful day (other than being pretty windy) and not too cold outside!

There was plenty of downtime in between arriving at each dock, which gave the girls plenty of time to eat LOTS of candy :)

Abigail enjoyed herself too and surprisingly, she didn’t mind wearing the life jacket!

Several of the houses were passing out treat bags rather than just a piece or two of candy. I thought this was so creative–the fingers are filled with Smarties!

Most docks were decorated with Halloween stuff, and some people really went all out! It was fun to see all of the different decorations. I think we ended up stopping at 14 houses total, which took about 2 hours. (We had to ride a bit to get from one participating house to the next in some cases. But it was definitely worth it!).

Charlie came along for the ride and even sported a festive collar ;)

Abigail enjoyed eating as much candy as she could!

Brooklyn was a little disappointed because a lot of people didn’t recognize her as Elsa right away…I think because of her life jacket. But that didn’t stop her from repeatedly shouting: “This is the best trick-or-treat day EVER!!” :)

Savannah and Charlie really bonded while we were on the boat!

So sweet :)

I loved this dock’s big pirate flag and other decorations!

When we were finished, we got back to the house and Rae Rae said she had passed out candy to over 60 kids! It was a huge success!

The girls each got SO MUCH CANDY – almost a full bucket’s worth each. And this was just the first of 3 trick-or-treating events that we did!

We had time for an early supper and a little cuddle time with Paw and Rae Rae before it was time to head home that evening…

It was a really fun day! Next time, we need to remember to take baby wipes, a trash bag, and a net to catch the candy that people on the docks are handing out. And we may need to plan on spending the night afterward. Brooklyn had an epic meltdown when it was time to leave! Too much sugar and excitement + not enough time with Paw and Rae Rae!

So much fun on Saturday called for a lazy Sunday afternoon the next day…

On October 14th, it was back to school and back to the normal routine. We enjoyed a little time at the playground after school with friends.

Abigail figured out that making this face could elicit laughs from the whole family. She is quite the little comedian and loves to entertain us!

She had fun making the rest of us laugh and giggle!

Quotes and Notes from Early October:

  • 10/6/19 – “Look, Mommy! Look, Mommy!” – Abigail is always wanting to show me something :)
  • 10/7/19 – Tonight I asked Abigail if I could give her a kiss, and she said, “No thank you!”
  • 10/9/19 – Savannah: “When can I be a mommy? Being a mommy doesn’t seem that hard.” I said, “Oh really?” Savannah replied, “Well, babies are hard. I’ll just have kids, not any babies.” Haha! Then right after that, she wanted to know “Where will I live when I’m a mommy?” I said, “Where do you think you’ll live?” She said “I guess I might live here.” I said, “ I bet you’ll probably have bought your own house by then.” She said, “But how will I find one without people in it?”
  • 10/10/19 – Abigail always requests “Song! Song!” when I tuck her in. Lately, she has started leading the songs…haha. She will start singing whatever song she wants (usually it’s the same one or two songs from Bible class), and I just follow her lead. Ha! I don’t remember the other girls ever starting the songs for me…I just chose them myself. But not with my Abigail! ;)

Thanks for reading!!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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