Abigail turned 10 months old on Saturday, June 16th. This has been a great month with our little sweetheart! She is growing so much and really developing her own personality. I love it!
Abigail went to see Dr. Dudley for her 9 month checkup on June 8th, so she was technically closer to 10 months than 9 months. On June 8th, she weighed 15 lbs 1 oz! I couldn’t believe she was over 15 pounds! She is in the 5th percentile for weight (20th percentile adjusted for her due date). She was 27 inches long, which was 25th percentile (50th percentile adjusted). I could definitely tell she was getting heavier just by toting her around all day, but I was surprised to see she’d grown that much. She is still in size 2 diapers, but I can tell they don’t have a lot more room before we’ll have to move up to 3s. She is wearing anywhere from 3-6 month to 9 month clothes depending on the brand. She doesn’t fill anything out weight-wise, but she is definitely getting a little long for some of her shorter onesies. We have pretty much done away with shoes for the summer, so I have no idea what her shoe size is. She now has two teeth, and she is getting more and more hair every day! She pretty much has hair all over her head now, which is saying something ;) It still doesn’t really show up in pictures, but it’s there! :)
*This is my new favorite picture of Abigail!
Abigail is still nursing 5 times a day, which translates to every 3-4 hours. She is doing well with it unless her big sisters come in and make a lot of noise. In those instances, she will stop and start eating multiple times because she HAS to look around and see what’s going on :) Abigail is still enjoying baby foods and has tried a few new ones this month: peaches, apricot, raspberry, mango, peas, and carrots. Thankfully we haven’t had any more problems with new foods like she did with sweet potatoes. Her favorite foods so far are probably banana and mango. She is definitely eating more food at a time these days and gets impatient/cries sometimes if I’m not feeding her fast enough. I’ve tried giving her puffs and Cheerios, but so far she hasn’t really been able to do much with them. She can grab them in handfuls but has trouble getting them into her mouth. When they do get in her mouth, she usually spits them right back out ;) My goal is to feed her purees twice a day right now, but sometimes it turns into only once if we have a busy day. As the saying goes, “Food before one is just for fun!” – so I’m not overly stressing it!
We went through a rough patch this month where Abigail decided it would be fun to wake up multiple times a night again. Argh. Some nights, she was waking up between 10 and 11 PM, somewhere around 2-3 AM, and again at 5 or 6 AM….all in the same night. Most of the time, I would go in and put her paci back in until at least 5 AM when I would give up and just nurse her. Little stinker! I thought maybe she was getting another tooth, but so far I haven’t seen any signs of a new one coming in. Thankfully she is back to sleeping through the night (from about 8 PM to 5 AM), so hopefully we’ve turned the corner on that sleep regression. She has gotten to the point where if we come in to settle her down in the middle of the night or during a nap, she will immediately flip over, push the crib bumper down where she can see us, and start crying as she watches us walk out of the room. Usually I’m not fast enough to sneak out before she spots me leaving…haha. She is down to taking 2 or 3 naps a day, depending on how long they are. We aren’t on any kind of good nap schedule during the day, so I basically just lay her down in her crib when she starts to seem tired.
Abigail is getting to be a super social little thing. She just loves to be with people. She is definitely happiest when we are holding her. She does pretty well playing by herself on the floor, but she really is happiest just being in the middle of the action. She enjoys it when Brooklyn and or Savannah get down and the floor to entertain her. The other day, Brooklyn was hopping up and down, and Abigail thought it was the funniest thing. Depending on her mood, Abigail will cry if I walk in front of her without picking her up, so I’ve been known to try to sneak by her quietly if I need to get something done ;) She isn’t too picky most of the time about who holds her, so she will go to just about anybody at church who wants to take her. She just loves people in general and is a pretty happy baby overall.
As far as her physical development, I wouldn’t say Abigail is super mobile just yet, but she is well on her way to getting there. She rolls both ways with no problem and can quickly turn in a circle on her belly using her arms. She is sitting up for long periods of time now without toppling over and loves to bounce and rock back and forth while she sits. She even does what Brooklyn used to do as a baby—rocks and bounces to scoot herself around on her bottom. She can move several feet across the floor that way. So, she’s not crawling or getting anywhere very fast, but she also doesn’t stay in the same spot on the floor that I put her down on :)
“Look at me, Mom! I’m backwards!”
So proud of herself for being such a big girl :)
The other big news from this month is that Abigail is officially babbling. I noticed it a few weeks ago (probably sometime the first week of June). It’s interesting that I don’t catch her doing it a lot, but I’m sure it’s because I’m so distracted with the constant chaos going on around me. It is definitely harder to keep her quiet at church these days; she loves to make noise and wiggle around looking at everyone around us.
At Abigail’s recent checkup a couple of weeks ago, Dr. Dudley rechecked her lab work, and she is still slightly anemic. Her levels have improved A LOT, but they still aren’t quite where they need to be. So, we’re continuing the iron drops twice a day until her next checkup. Thankfully, she doesn’t mind the taste of it and actually seems to enjoy it. The only bad thing about it is that it stains her clothes, and I haven’t figured out how to get it out yet. The other good news is that I think we are officially past the cradle cap issue. I haven’t put any medicine on her scalp in weeks, and it looks great. I guess we can lose the “Crusty Head” nickname for good now ;) Yay!
Likes: being around people, being held, interacting with her sisters, taking baths, chewing on Mommy’s phone, pulling earrings, and grabbing hair
Dislikes: not being held, seeing Mommy and Daddy walk out of the room, not being spoon fed fast enough :)
We love you, Abigail! Can’t believe you are a big 10 month old!