Abigail birthdays Brooklyn Savannah Valentine's Day

February Recap

Now that’s it almost summer, I guess it’s time to recap the month of February ;) Here goes nothing!

We got the Bumbo seat out in February for Abigail to start using. She did pretty good sitting up in it for a few minutes at a time.

It helped that she always had a big sister nearby to entertain her while she was sitting in it! :)

Savannah loaded her up with toys!

Love this sweet girl…

I’ve mentioned before that Brooklyn LOVES to draw and color. She spent hours this month working on Valentine’s Day cards for friends and family. I didn’t get a picture of every card, but this was the first one she made–for our cat, Gabby :)

Saturday afternoon smiles :)

February 4th was Brooklyn’s first time to attend Bible drill class! Check out all those big kids, and then look to the right. You can barely see Brooklyn and Savannah’s heads sticking up over the pew…haha. (Savannah sat up there with Brooklyn, but didn’t participate.) Brooklyn enjoyed it and has gone almost every Sunday since then. It has helped her learn so many Bible facts!

We had Abigail’s 6 month eye checkup with Dr. Calderwood on February 5th. It’s amazing the ways that they have to check a baby’s vision since it’s not like a baby can cooperate with any of the exams. It was all very interesting! We learned that Abigail is farsighted (which is normal for babies her age), but other than that, everything looked good. We are supposed to go back for another vision check this fall to see if her vision has changed.

On February 7th, I took Brooklyn and Savannah to get hair cuts with Sydney. This was the week before Brooklyn’s party, so I figured it was a good time to get their hair trimmed and looking nice. They both did great, and it was quick and easy!

Blue and red tongues after eating Luigi’s. Who says you can’t eat frozen treats in winter?

I don’t do grocery pickup from Walmart (or Kroger) very often, but it sure is convenient! You really can’t beat waiting in your car and letting someone else to load everything up for you. It’s even more exciting when you have kids and don’t have to worry with unbuckling/buckling at the store!

I already posted about Brooklyn’s birthday party (which was February 10th). We had plenty of leftover pancakes after her party, so she got to have pancakes on her actual birthday morning too :)

Happy birthday, Brooklyn!

That evening, the girls got a special “pony” ride from Daddy. It was hilarious when they made a few laps around the room and then both fell off!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

These girls have my heart :)

On February 15th, we went to the library for storytime and found out that they were having special guests that day. The Madison police chief and fire chief (along with several police officers and firemen) were there to read with the kids. They had TV reporters there and everything. We just happened to luck out and show up because I had no idea they had that planned. It was so cool! The kids learned about different road signs and what to do in case of a fire.

Brooklyn sat on the floor with the other kids…

…and Savannah sat with me most of the time. However, she did get brave once or twice and walked up toward the front. You can see her in this picture (with the red shirt) standing up by the police chief…haha.

After the police chief and fire chief read a few books, one of the firefighters got dressed up in his gear and showed the kids how he put everything on. I thought that was a great idea because they got to see him as a “normal” person and then see that he was still the same guy even with the scary looking mask and clothes on. They were trying to encourage the kids not to be afraid of firefighters even though they can look a little scary sometimes!

After storytime was over, we all went outside to see a police car and fire truck up close. All of the kids were so excited!

Trying out the police car!

They also got to sit in the fire truck for a minute!

It was such a fun morning! I was so glad we happened to go to storytime…it was definitely our lucky day!

Sometimes, you just can’t help falling asleep…

I took some pictures of Brooklyn for her 5-year update, and Savannah wanted to be in some pictures too :)

They don’t always get along, but it sure is sweet when they do…

Abigail doesn’t sleep in our bed very often, but sometimes on bad nights, we just give up and bring her into our room. On this particular morning, I woke up to the cutest sight. Look at them both asleep…with her little hand holding Daddy’s chin. SO sweet!

The Lovelesses came over the play on February 20th and ending up staying to eat lunch with us. We always enjoy play dates with the cousins!

Brooklyn enjoys helping Abigail jump in her doorway jumper :)

Music class had to be rescheduled for Saturday the 24th because Amie was sick earlier in the week, so the dads got to attend! Harper and Clayton have been doing music class with us, and it’s been fun to have friends from church there.

This cracked me up. I carry a backpack instead of a traditional diaper bag, and I always put my phone in the side pocket. It’s no wonder that Savannah thought her phone should go in the same spot in her “pack pack”.

This month, Brooklyn thought it was hilarious to stick her finger out for Abigail to try to grab. It doesn’t take much to entertain kids sometimes :)

Sweet baby girl :)

Quotes and Notes from February: 

  • 2/3/18 – When Travis gets excited about a good play on TV (football or basketball), Savannah will shout, “GO BABY!”
  • 2/7/18 – “Sometimes I don’t like ‘Lepicent’ too much.” Savannah was talking non-stop about Malificent in Sleeping Beauty and other princess movies (Snow White, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast) and how she doesn’t like the bad “guhs”. Brooklyn wanted to say something at one point, and Daddy told her to wait until Savannah was finished. Brooklyn exclaimed, “But she’s never going to be finished!” Haha!
  • 2/11/18 – Savannah is a pretty slow eater. When she’s in the mood to eat, she will sit in her chair for 1 to 1.5 hours and just keep on eating. When she finishes her plate, she’ll announce “Sumping else!” if she’s still hungry :)
  • 2/23/18 – It’s 8:30 AM. Already this morning, Abigail has spit up everywhere after eating. It missed the burp cloth and soaked the chair instead. Savannah spilled her bowl of cereal and milk all over the floor in the kitchen. Gabby pooped in FRONT of the litter box on the floor. Meanwhile, Brooklyn is badgering me to help her find something missing off one of her crafts. Great start to the morning! ;) Later in the (same) day, Gabby threw up under Brooklyn’s bed. You can’t make this stuff up!
  • Savannah’s favorite book lately is the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. She has the whole thing pretty much memorized and likes to help read it. My favorite part is when she gets to what the caterpillar ate on Saturday and says “squish” cheese (swiss cheese).
  • 2/24/18 – Travis told me I was looking beautiful tonight and I chuckled at him. Then he said, “Just because you don’t think you’re beautiful doesn’t mean you are.” Ha! He was trying at least, even if it didn’t come out right ;)
  • We were on our way to church, and the car behind us was following pretty close behind. We pulled into the parking lot, and the car kept on going. Travis joked, “I thought one of the brethren was tailing us.” Savannah replied, “But you don’t have a tail!”
  • 2/26/18 – I got up to feed Abigail Monday morning, and noticed that Savannah’s light was on in her room. I figured she was up playing because she hadn’t come out yet. A few minutes after I started feeding Abigail, Savannah came out of her room wearing no pants or Pull-up. “Mommy? ……..I pooped on the carpet…” (What???) I told her to go tell Daddy because he hadn’t left for work yet. Travis swung open the door to her room….and she had pooped literally RIGHT behind the door. So, when he swung the door open, he smeared it all underneath the door and across the carpet all the way to the wall. Needless to say, it was not the best start to a Monday we’ve ever had! Savannah is pretty well potty trained at this point, so who knows what possessed her to do that! I think it was an “accidentally-on-purpose” accident (and hopefully one that will never happen again!).
  • 2/28/18 – Savannah has gotten into the habit of praying for the same things day after day. Lately, she has been praying: “Dear God, please help ‘udders’ who are mad. Please help ‘udders’ to be happy. Please help ‘udders’ to share their snacks. And A-MEN!”

That’s all for now! Thanks for reading!

By Erin

Author of Trav and Erin + 3
Travis's wife
Mom of 3 wonderful girls
Very blessed!

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