Yesterday, I got brave and took both the girls by myself to Bridge Street to see Santa.
We’ve been having a little bit of a rough week. I feel like no one ever believes that because Brooklyn is typically pretty well behaved at other people’s houses and in public, and Savannah is usually good while she’s being held–like while we’re out and about. But, sometimes life at home is another story ;) Savannah hasn’t been too content to entertain herself for the past week or two. As long as she’s in Mommy’s arms, she’s good, but I can’t hold her 24/7…especially while trying to play with Brooklyn and tend to her needs. And, Brooklyn usually saves her worst behavior for us at home. Is that the way it is with every kid? Probably so, I’m assuming :)
So, I took a chance yesterday when I decided to drag them out to Bridge Street without Travis :) But, it was a nice afternoon, and I wasn’t sure we’d have another good opportunity to see Santa before Christmas. He only comes to Bridge Street on certain days/times, you know ;) Yesterday morning, I asked Brooklyn what she wanted to ask Santa Claus to give her for Christmas. She actually had a nice, long list including: nuts, an apple, candy, medicine, a refrigerator, a purple hat, stickers, a cup of milk, paper and crayons. Haha! I think there may have even been a few other things on the list that I’m forgetting. Surely Santa can take care of a few of those items on her list ;)
When we found Santa at Bridge Street, he was sitting near the Monaco in front of the fountains and the big Christmas tree. It was the perfect background for pictures! Brooklyn was happy to see Santa until it was time to get out of the stroller and actually get close to him. Once I got her out, she just wanted to hide behind me the whole time. So, Savannah was “brave” and got her picture made first :)
Savannah didn’t mind sitting with Santa! She was pretty indifferent…kind of like Brooklyn was her first year. Not excited, but not terrified either :)
After Savannah got her picture made, Brooklyn told me that she would sit with Santa if I would sit with him too. The only problem was that we didn’t have anyone to take the picture for us. So, Santa was nice enough to flag down two ladies walking by, and they agreed to take the picture for us. But, just then, Nicole Weatherford walked up with her boys, who are close to Brooklyn’s age. Mason and Miles had already been to see Santa that afternoon, so they just hopped right up in his lap and showed Brooklyn that it wasn’t scary at all. They smiled so sweetly, and I got the perfect picture of them with Santa. I would get the perfect picture of somone else’s kids…haha!
Mason and Miles were pros!
Brooklyn still wasn’t convinced even after seeing the boys sit with Santa, so she just played for a few minutes with them instead. They enjoyed looking at the fountains and chasing each other around.
Miles is in Brooklyn’s Bible class; he is about 2 months younger than her :)
Looking at Santa, but not sure she wants to head over any closer :)
Finally, I pulled out a piece of chocolate and (shamelessly) tried to bribe her to sit with him. She wasn’t convinced at first, but finally agreed to head over there and let Santa hold her chocolate until I snapped the picture…
This will be priceless one day. That face!
“I’m about to take a giant step away from this scary looking man…”
Somehow we managed to get a couple of quick pictures of both girls with Santa. Brooklyn still looks thrilled, doesn’t she? :)
Probably the best picture I got :)
After Brooklyn ate her chocolate and played with the boys for a few minutes, we headed back toward the car. Brooklyn really needed to get home for her nap…but first, we passed by Steel City Pops. I decided we both deserved a splurge after making it through the outing without too much drama :) So one vanilla chocolate chip popsicle later, Mommy and Brooklyn were both happy campers. Next year, Savannah will be big enough to try one too! It was kind of funny to be eating a popsicle on the same day we visited Santa at an outdoor mall, but that’s how warm it’s been around here lately. Not complaining–I know it will be cold soon enough!
I’m almost done with our Christmas shopping and have even wrapped a few presents and put them under the tree (with Brooklyn’s help, of course!). The holidays are much more fun and eventful with kids!
One reply on “2015 Visit with Santa”
That brought back some memories and had me laughing out loud. Love the picture of Brooklyn about to escape Santa!